2J go to Cleeve!

On Wednesday, 2J were lucky enough to join a multiskills festival of sport at Cleeve School, run by their Year 9 Sports Leaders! We had the BEST time and everyone tried hard and behaved incredibly! A true credit to the school. Well done!

Come fly with us!

In English we are learning to write recounts, but in order to do this , we need to have real life experiences to write about! So, today, we became aeroplane engineers AND pilots by creating, designing and flying our own paper aeroplanes.

Congratulations to our winners , who became pilots for the rest of the day!

We cannot WAIT to write our recounts about our day!

We like to share and group

In maths we have been exploring sharing and grouping to help us divide. When we share, we draw our circle and share our amount into the cirlces – like we would if we were sharing out sweets. When we group, we draw around the amount to find the groups. We then used this to help us write division sentences.

We noticed that whichever method we use, we will always get the same answer. It is always handy to have more than one method to help us!