All posts by misskgroves

Come fly with us!

In English we are learning to write recounts, but in order to do this , we need to have real life experiences to write about! So, today, we became aeroplane engineers AND pilots by creating, designing and flying our own paper aeroplanes.

Congratulations to our winners , who became pilots for the rest of the day!

We cannot WAIT to write our recounts about our day!

Computing – programming human robots!

We started our new programming unit by… becoming robots! Children created algorithms to direct each other round the classroom and began to understand the need for clearly sequenced, precise commands – otherwise they ended up walking into a wall! Fun times – this programming unit is going to be fab!


London’s burning… fetch the engines!

Today, we used our knowledge of mixing primary colours to create the back drop to our Great Fire of London sky! Can you believe that our masterpieces were made only using yellow, red, white and black?! We practised bleeding the colours into one another to create a more realistic background.

Look how effective our blazing backgrounds are!

Year 2 are artists!

In our first session of art week, we looked at colour! We learned difference between primary and secondary colours and observed how artists use colour in their work. After experimenting with this, we made our own colour wheels.

During our second session, we learned how to create different shades of blue by adding white or black to it. We realised that by using just three colours, we had created 7 shades of blue and if we had more time we could have been able to create more!

Year 2 Fire Service Visit

To tie in with our Great Fire of London focus, we were lucky enough to welcome two fabulous firefighters to school! They answered questions, were AMAZING with the children and showed a frankly encyclopaedic knowledge of the Great Fire of London (we think they’d swotted up!) They talked about fire safety, 999 and the importance of ‘Get Out. Stay Out. Call the Fire Service Out’. After all this, they even let the children explore the fire engine and spray the hose. FUN TIMES!